how to create a post template in Publii which fetches posts by tag

When creating your own theme for Publli, you maybe want to list all posts regarding to one tag on a single page. This can be achieved by the following:

1. create an override folder as descibed here:

2. copy the config.json from the original theme folder to the overrride folder and add something like

"postTemplates": {
  "portfolio": "portfolio filter"

as described here:

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Change Brackets' default browser

By default Live preview in Brackets is set to Google Chrome Browser. To change this
- Go to Debug
- Open Preferences file and
- change this line from “livedev.multibrowser”: false to “livedev.multibrowser”: true.

Close the Brackets App and open it again.

Clicking on  “Live Preview” should now start in your default browser (like Safari or any other browser).